
Starting over.

Happy New Year! Instead of looking back on the craziness of 2011, I will only be looking ahead. I am starting this brand spankin' new year with brand spankin' new resolutions, and a reboot of this blog. I will be posting more often, with hopefully more sparkly CONTENT. Yessir, this sounds good to me. I hope to do posts on a few absolutely random topics, and maybe talk a little bit about writing advice, knitting techniques, etc. I do also keep a not-so-regular blog about my personal writings right over here. If you are interested, go ahead and check it out!

Now that I have some of those things aside, we can move on... to some RESOLUTIONS!

This year I am setting goals to become mainly better at things that I am doing. First and foremost, I want to write regularly in my journal. That won't be hard, seeing as before I was hardly writing at all. There are hundreds of famous journal keepers: C.S. Lewis, Louisa May Alcott, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Spencer W. Kimball. I say Kimball because he specifically exhorted people to write in their journals:
"Get a notebook, my young folks, a journal that will last through all time, and maybe the angels may quote from it for eternity. Begin today and write in it your goings and comings, your deepest thoughts, your achievements and your failures, your associations and your triumphs, your impressions and your testimonies"
Keeping a journal will also, I hope, allow me to remember things, and to be able to look back and see how I viewed things at different times in my life. I get glimpses of that now, looking back on the fragments of entries I used to write. I wish that I could even say that I wrote bad poetry, but alas, I didn't even bring myself to do that much.

Another goal of mine is to do my BEST in school. I am good at getting by with barely-A's, but sometimes, I must admit, I hardly try. I want to do the best that I can.

I want to learn even more about what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. I would like to go to medical school and become a neurosurgeon. One of my cross off goals for this year is to sit in on a surgery, and I have some, er, special contacts that can get me an in on that. (read: my dad is a bio-medical engineer. His company has developed a "bloodless- scalpel" that you can read about here.) Obviously I should start learning about something that I want to be studying for the rest of forever.

I want to read and write a lot this year too. I want to finally finish Tetra and I want to start editing. I want to finish all of the book series that I have started reading. I want to read some more classics this year. I want to read more Shakespeare than I already have. (Lets see... That would be a lot.)

I also want to make some break-throughs with my acting. I want to be stronger, and get out of my stiffness. I was told that was my greatest weakness as an actor: I am too stiff, I don't move enough, I can only act from the shoulders up. It is so frustrating, but this year I want to kick that.

Now for the cross-off goals. These may or may not happen...
  • Get a car.
  • Complete NaNoWriMo 2012.
  • Knit a sweater with pretty cables. Like this. Or this.
  • Finish Tetra.
  • Sit in on a surgery.
  • Participate in the Cedar City Shakespearean Festival Student Competition.
  • Make it in to Wind Ensemble.
  • Act in a school production.
  • Join a writing critique group.
  • Audition for McCarty again. Get real advice.
  • Finish all of my online classes.
  • Take more.
  • Be social. That means actually dating people.
  • Finish personal reading of the Bible.
  • Travel outside the country.

All in all, I am trying to be positive that I will accomplish some, but definitely not all, of my goals. Here's to a great 2012!